Achieve Your Personal Goals With The Help Of Engineering Frameworks

Achieve Personal Goals With The Help Of Engineering Frameworks

We all have personal goals in life. Whether it’s to get a promotion, start a business, build muscle, or take a dream vacation. The problem is, it can be hard to reach these goals.

The destination (goal) can be clear. The road (the process to reach the goal) towards the destination is not clear.

In engineering, it’s not any different. The goal of engineering is to solve a problem. The way to solve the problem is the engineer’s job because that’s not clear.

To gain clarity on how to solve the problem, engineers use frameworks to go from problem to solution. This is to predict what the process can look like to increase the likelihood of finding the right solution.

In this article, I will break down the steps engineers use to solve problems and will explain how you can solve your own problems (or reach goals) without feeling overwhelmed with the process.

For each step in the process, I will give an engineering example and a personal example.


The first step in the engineering framework is to clarify the problem that needs to be solved. This may seem simple, but it can be challenging to identify the specific problem you are trying to solve without first breaking it down into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Engineering example: A farmer has 2 paddocks. He needs to plough each paddock, but the problem is that the 2 paddocks are separated by a creek.

When we break the problem up into smaller, more manageable pieces; the problem is that the farmer does not have a bridge over the creek or is it better to fill up the creek with dirt and divert it?

Personal example: Your goal is to improve your physical fitness, you tried several ways to do that but without noticeable results.

If we break the problem up into smaller, more manageable pieces; the problem is that you might lack regular exercise or poor nutrition.


The next step is to research what the best solution to the problem could be. Make a pros and cons list. What are the parameters or regulations we have to stick to? How have other people solved similar problems?

Engineering example: The pro to diverting the creek is that the farmer now has 1 big paddock. The con is that during heavy rainfall, water gets stuck on the land and kills their crops because previously the water could run off into the creek. Building a bridge does not negatively impact the crops which makes this the more appealing option.

Personal example: You read multiple fitness blogs from well-known fit people and you come to the conclusion that since your current workout routine is: going to the gym 3 times a week + 2 runs a week. This should be enough to transform your body. This means the nutrition intake should be the problem.


In this step, you design the solution with the information that you accumulated during research. If you have no experience in what you’re designing, this could be a very slow stage of the framework. But you only gain experience by doing it. Keep in mind you will get faster over time.

Engineering example: Take measurements on-site. Figure out what dimensions the bridge needs to be. What weight the bridge needs to carry, how large the foundation needs to be, what materials the bridge will be built from and design the bridge in CAD software according to the code of practise.

Personal example: Weigh yourself. Measure your fat percentage. Decide what your exact goal is. If it is to build muscle, calculate how much protein, fats and carbs you will need to eat to build muscle. Also, make a plan as to what not to eat. Use software like My Fitness Pal to simplify the whole process.

Speed, Quality, Price

Use the priority triangle to figure out what’s most important: speed, quality or price. The idea is that you can only prioritize 2. The 2 you choose will negatively impact the 3rd.

Engineering example:

The farmer has to make the choice between the following options:

Example 1: he wants the bridge installed next week. The weight the bridge can carry is 3 times the tractor’s weight in case he upgrades to heavier farm equipment in the future and the bridge will be built from stainless steel because there is no time to galvanize the steel structure.

Formula for this option: fast + quality = higher price

Example 2: he wants the bridge installed in 3 months. The weight the bridge can carry is 3 times the tractor’s weight in case he upgrades to heavier farm equipment in the future and the bridge will be built from galvanized steel so it does not rust but it is cheaper than stainless steel.

Formula for this option: quality + lower price = less fast

Example 3: he wants the bridge installed next week. The weight the bridge can carry is 1 tractor and the bridge will be built from black steel because there is no time to galvanize the steel structure.

Formula for this option: fast + low price = lower quality

Personal example:

You need to make the choice between the following options:

Example 1: you want to have your dream body in 6 weeks. You hire a top personal trainer and a cook that prepares for you the most nutritious meals.

Formula for this option: fast + quality = higher price

Example 2: you want to have your dream body in 6 months. You hire a nutritionist who tells you what nutritious meals to cook and eat.

Formula for this option: quality + lower price = less fast

Example 3: you want to have your dream body in 6 weeks. You decide for yourself what nutritious meals to cook and eat.

Formula for this option: fast + low price = lower quality


It’s time to execute. I find this one of the most exciting steps out of the engineering framework. You had an idea, you put it on paper (or in software) and now you see it becoming reality.

Engineering example: The structure of the bridge is manufactured by a qualified construction company. The foundation is put in place and a crane lifts the bridge to the right spot.

Personal example: You prepped your nutritious meals for the week. You made sure there are no more snacks in the house and you are consistently going to the gym and going for runs. You see your body transform after a couple of weeks.

Review Results

Reviewing is assessing what went well and what can improve in the process. This is a process that is often skipped because after you finished building a project, the next project is most of the time already lined up. Making time to review can greatly benefit the next project.

Engineering example: How did the installation process go? Was the bridge project profitable? What system can I put into place that can benefit the next project? Write it down.

Scenario 1: the conclusion is that the foundation of the bridge needs improving as its soil profile did not fully carry the weight of the bridge and the bridge sank 200mm from its original height. Research how to solve this problem.

Scenario 2: the conclusion is that the installation of the bridge went as planned and it works.

Personal example: Did you build muscle? Did you lose fat? Do you think this routine is sustainable for the long term? Write it down.

Scenario 1: the conclusion is that you did build muscle, but you also put on a lot of fat which was not the goal. Research what needs to change.

Scenario 2: the conclusion is that you are happy with your body transformation and your lifestyle change worked.


If you solved the problem or reached the goal, maintenance could be required as a lot of goals are not finite. They are infinite.

Engineering example: The bridge does its job, but regular checks are necessary. Check if the concrete foundation has any cracks. Check if there are any cracks around the welds. Are the bolts still tight? If a bolt needs tightening, action the maintenance and continue monitoring, this ensures the structure will be long lasting.

Personal example: You are happy with the body transformation, but if you stop working out and eating well you lose everything you worked for over the past several weeks. Accept the lifestyle change. Keep working out. Keep eating healthy. Eliminate distractions. Take care of your new self to make it long lasting.


In conclusion, using engineering frameworks to achieve your personal goals is a powerful tool that can help clarify the process and let you make real progress.

By understanding the problem, generating potential solutions and taking action you can achieve your goals more effectively and efficiently.

Remember to stay persistent and don't be afraid to think outside the box, you can achieve more than you think as long as you set your mind to it.


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